F R I D A Y - 2 4 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3
9:00 am
Our Online Conference: How Will it Work?
Dr. Jonathan Helton, Conference Host
9:15 am
Oriri ex Cinere - Zechariah Goh (b. 1970)
Shyen Lee, saxophone
Tipwatoo Aramwittaya, piano
9:40 am
Tipwatoo Aramwittaya, piano
9:40 am
Two-Minute Teaching Tip: Developing a Consistent Air Stream with Paper
Joshua Huff, University of Florida
9:45 am
Merton Songs (2021) - Jerry Chiwei Hui (b. 1981)
Love Winter When the Plant Says Nothing
O Sweet, Irrational Worship
Chris Dickhaus, saxophone
Jerry (Chiwei) Hui, countertenor
10:00 am
Start Them Young: Discover the latest low-cost devices you can use to help any child with small hands play sax
Presentation Sponsored by:

10:30 am
Rock-Jazz and Electronic-Latin Music for Saxophone
Saxotronic Latino (2023) - Wisuwat Pruksavanich (b.1985)
W o r l d P r e m i e r e
Wisuwat Pruksavanich, saxophone
An Imperfect Scheme (2022) - Wisuwat Pruksavanich
Wisuwat Pruksavanich, saxophone
Passakorn Morasilpin, saxophone
Juthamas Saisaeng, electric guitar
10:45 am
The Red Saxophone: Hanns Eisler and Applied Music in Interwar Berlin
Andrew Allen, Georgia College
11:40 am
Lecture: Astor Piazzolla’s Tango Etudes for Saxophone
Jorge Retamoza, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1:30 pm
How We End "Clarinet First" Elementary Sax Education
Rulon Brown
2:25 pm
Three Moments for alto saxophone, cello and fixed media electronics (2019) - Timothy Reed (b. 1976)
“...a never departing shadow...”
“...as a weak tree bent in the wind...”
“...the path of the stars...”
Lake Reflecting Stars with Moonrise (2008, revised 2010) - Augusta Read Thomas (b. 1964)
Bid Call for alto saxophone and cello (2002) - Libby Larsen (b. 1950)
Rapidfire with Bodra
Bro-Fowler Duo
Paul Bro, saxophone
Kurt Fowler, cello
3:05 pm
Sooza Brass Band and the History of Acoustic Dance Music: A Lecture Recital
Ryan Gamberino, University of Florida
3:35 pm
From the Neck Up - Building Better Saxophone Fundamentals
Kyle Jones, Northwest Missouri State University
4:15 pm
Duet for Alto Saxophones (1990) - David N. Baker (1931-2016)
Martinez/Ikegaya Duo
Ricardo Martinez, alto saxophone
Hayato Ikegaya, alto saxophone
4:40 pm
Ricardo Martinez, alto saxophone
Hayato Ikegaya, alto saxophone
4:40 pm
Altissimo Debunked? Anatomically Analyzing the Larynx
Matthew James, University of Southern Mississippi
5:20 pm
Death Before Decaf : Fresh Grind for Saxophone Quartet - Joshua D. Tomlinson (b. 1986)
Extremity Quartet
Michael Bovenzi, soprano saxophone
Ruben Gedlaman, alto saxophone
Lukas Ferrell, tenor saxophone
Kedrick Adams, baritone saxophone
9:00 am
Michael Bovenzi, soprano saxophone
Ruben Gedlaman, alto saxophone
Lukas Ferrell, tenor saxophone
Kedrick Adams, baritone saxophone
S A T U R D A Y - 2 5 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3
9:00 am
12 Preludi per sassofono contralto solo - Andrea Vezzoli (b. 1982)
W o r l d P r e m i e r e
Valzer n° 2 for soprano saxophone and piano - Andrea Vezzoli
W o r l d P r e m i e r e
Alabastrum for sopranino saxophone and piano - Carmelo Luca Sambataro (b. 1979)
W o r l d P r e m i e r e
Isabella Stabio, alto, soprano, and sopranino saxophones
Carmelo Luca Sambataro, piano
9:25 am
Carmelo Luca Sambataro, piano
9:25 am
Two-Minute Teaching Tip: Smart mistakes: concrete, positive strategies to help students sharpen self-assessment in the practice room
Derek Granger, The Hartt School
9:30 am
Forgotten Saxophone Repertoire
Nicolas Prost, Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Saint Maur / Paris, France
10:30 am
Nicolas Prost Recital
Saxophonia - Paul Bonneau (1918-1995)
Im Zehn Minuten (1934) - Lars Erik Larsson (1908-1986)
El Guepardo (2020) - Alban Darche (b. 1974)
Prelude et Toccata (1932) - Fernande Decruck (1896-1954)
Prelude et Toccata (1932) - Fernande Decruck (1896-1954)
I Am (2018) - Benoit Menut (b. 1977) Based on a poem by John Clare
Windy (2020) - Nicolas Prost (b. 1971)
Bop (2020) - Nicolas Prost
Click Time (2018) - Jean-Baptiste Robin (b. 1976)
Prelude en Harpegement Livre V - Marin Marais (1656-1728)
Le Petit Badinage - Marin Marais (1656-1728)
Le Bal des Voleurs (1938/40) - Darius Milhaud (1892-1974) & Georges Auric (1899-1983)
Hop' Sax (2020) - John Helliwell (b. 1945)
Nicolas Prost, soprano and alto saxophones
11:00 am
Question and Answer Session with Nicolas Prost
11:15 am
Sax Love: A candid Q&A about keeping your sax happy and healthy, with repair tech and saxophonist Rulon Brown
Presentation Sponsored by:
Concerto for saxophone alto and orchestre - Henri Tomasi (1901-1971)
I. Andante et allegro
Sonate for saxophone alto et piano - Edison Denisov (1929-1996)
Allegro moderato
Inés Sánchez Benito, alto saxophone
Isabel Puente Mendez, piano
12:15 pm
Déjà Vu - Katherine Ann Murdock (b. 1949)
Arkansas Saxophone Quartet
Jackie Lamar, soprano
Caroline Taylor, alto saxophone
Brent Bristow, tenor saxophone
Andrew Cook, baritone saxophone
1:30 pm
Six Tango Etudes - Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992) arr. J. Retamoza and F. Lerman
I. Décidé
II. Anxieux et rubato
V. Enérgico
VI. Avec anxiété
IV. Lento-meditativo
III. Molto marcato e energico
Jorge Retamoza, saxophone
Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra
Manfred Neuman, conductor
Concertmaster: Thomas Hemkemeier
Violins: Johannes Kiefel, Malgorzata Zagozdon, Jacek Gebka, Dhristoph Menzel, Jie-Ming Li, Radegund Stoecklin
Violas: Benjamin Rivinius, Justyna Sikorska, Jessica Sommer
Cellos: Min-Jung Suh, Julien Blondel
Bass: Katja Pendzig
Recording Producer / Editing / Mastering: Ralf Schnellbach
Photo & Video editing: Mariano Gringaus
Remix & Re-Mastering: Ariel Gato
Suite del Año de la Tanguedia - Jorge Retamoza (b. 1960)
Año Tanguedia
Las Ausencias
Hora de Cierre
Las Ausencias
Hora de Cierre
Jorge Retamoza Cuarteto
Matías Rubino, bandoneón
Gastón Harisquiry, piano
Roberto Seitz, double bass
Jorge Retamoza, baritone saxophone
Video Edition: El Pájaro Films
Mixing: Norberto Villagra
Mastering: Santiago Retamoza
2:15 pm
Gender Sensitive Music Education: Promoting equity in the music classroom
Andrea Van Acker, Academie Wilrijk & Merksem, Antwerp, Belgium
2:55 pm
World Premieres for Tenor Saxophone
Luí na Gréine Rós (Rose Sunset) - Martin Gaughan (b. 1968)
Meanings | معاني - Sami Seif (b. 1998)
Shadow Land - Gala Flagello (b. 1994)
Explorations - Robert Gross (b. 1973)
Andrew Hosler, tenor saxophone
3:25 pm
Bleached (2023) - Libby Larsen (b. 1950)
W o r l d P r e m i e r e
Benjamin Cold, saxophone
Lina Morita, piano
Jay Kacherski, guitar
Brian Nozny, percussion
3:45 pm
Soundscapes of the Four Seasons (2012) - Fang Man (b. 1977)
Image I
Image II
Image III
Image IV
Raqs (2014) - Kenneth Broadway (b. 1966)
Paul Lessard, saxophone
Matthew Geiger, percussion
4:05 pm
La Muerte del Ángel - Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992)
La Milonga del Ángel - Astor Piazzolla
Helton-Thomas Duo with Mariano Manzanelli
Jonathan Helton, saxophone
Steven Thomas, cello
Mariano Manzanelli, piano
Jonathan Helton, saxophone
Steven Thomas, cello
Mariano Manzanelli, piano